ATTENTION: Your Child Needs Shakespeare for a Full Education ...

Enhance Your Homeschooling with these Printable Bookmarks of Great Shakespeare Quotes
And Print & Cut them to start using TODAY!

Homeschooling moms all want the same thing: To help their child reach their full potential.

Shakespeare Bookmarks with Quotes from his most popular Comedies is just a tiny step on your journey, but it's an enrichment that your child will treasure.

You can use Handicraft time to make the bookmarks and then you have a bookmark to use during your Shakespeare studies!

You can also print some extras to give to the Shakespeare lover in your life.

Grab your bundle today and immediately use begin using these! 

Here's What You'll Get...

5 PDF files in color and black & white

31 Quotes from Taming of the Shrew, Comedy of Errors, Much Ado About Nothing, 12th Night, and A Midsummer's Night Dream

This bundle includes all 5 sets of bookmarks for a total of 31 bookmarks

Great to use with Charlotte Mason Shakespeare studies. Makes a fun gift for Book Club or for the Shakespeare lover in your life.

This is a digital download of 5 separate files.  Be sure to download all 5 files.

This is an Instant Download. Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed. 

Instant download items don’t accept returns, exchanges or cancellations. Please contact support for any problems with your order. 

"My Homeschooled kids loved these!"

Amy H.

Shakespeare Comedies Bookmark Bundle$6

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  • Total payment
  • 1xShakespeare Comedies Bookmark Bundle$6

All prices in USD